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Klamath Health Partnership Expanding to Pine Street

Klamath Health Partnership to expand to Pine Street

Sunny, pleasant rooms. Dependable nursing care. A good place to convalesce in illness and after surgical operations. 
And so it began – the Klamath Valley Hospital on the corner of 4th and Pine. The building was the first major hospital development in Klamath Falls and hosted its first patients in 1919. The building has since been home to several different organizations following the closure of the hospital, but eventually became vacant in 2014. The Klamath Health Partnership (KHP) board of directors saw the potential in the building and approved the purchase in 2018. “The building checked so many boxes for us,” said current KHP board president, Edward Horvath. “It will provide improved access to healthcare for our downtown residents; and the idea of contributing to the revitalization of the downtown area was very appealing.” KHP partnered with ZCS Engineering & Architecture and Modoc Contracting Co, Inc. to modernize and remodel the building into a full- service healthcare center while preserving and honoring the historic value of the structure.
“The KHP team was very clear from the beginning that preserving the building’s historic nature was a priority. It’s been an exciting opportunity to design a beautiful, modern clinic in the original Klamath Valley Hospital space,” said Jake Zander, lead architect for the project. Jude Marchessault, vice president of Modoc Contracting, agrees. “Historic projects are an exciting challenge for our team. It’s always interesting to uncover the craftsmanship from another era. 
The project will be completed in three phases. The first phase includes primary care, behavioral health, patient resources, x-ray, and new to KHP: physical therapy. “Our board of directors regularly evaluates if our services are commensurate with community need,” explained Signe Porter, KHP’s Chief Executive Officer. “The board recognized the significant need for accessible and affordable physical therapy services and made it a priority for this project.” Subsequent phases will add dental services, other specialty services, and a pharmacy for KHP patients. “There’s clearly a need for increased pharmacy services in the community,” said Marcus Cox, Chief Pharmacy Officer for KHP. “I look forward to providing our patients with expanded access for their pharmacy needs.”
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